Festival jury 2018

 Jaro Kerner - chairman of jury


A significant film producer. An expert in the sphere of documentary production.

2011 - 2013 Teacher, Private School movie, Košice

2008 - 2011 Communication Department, City of Kosice

2003 - 2008 STV 2 intendant, Slovak Television

1999 - 2003 Editor, regional newspaper Košice (Eastern newspapers / Kosice corsair)

1993 - 2013 independent documentary filmmaker, photographer and writer

1989 - 1993 Director, Slovak Radio studio Košice

1985 - 1989 assistant director, Czechoslovak television, studio Košice

1979 - 1984 Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Faculty of Film and Television, Department of Documentary Film

  ● realized about 120 short documentary films for the Slovak public television, a private project for Slovak television, several documentaries for Czech public television, about 5-6 documentaries on foreign television stations

  ● is the author of 30 presentations and instructional video films

  ● some of his films were awarded in competitions and festivals

  ● published photos and articles in motoring and aviation magazines

Dr.h.c. prof.h.c.doc.Ing. Mária Kadlečíková,CSc.


Internationally acknowledged specialist in the sphere of rural development; professional in economy of agriculture, with rich experience in academic work, in managerial and expert activities on national and international level.

2010 – till now Associated Professor of the Slovak University of Agriculture Nitra

2007 – 2010 FAO Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia

2002 – 2007 FAO Sub-regional Representative for Central and Eastern Europe

2001-2002 Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for European Integration

1998-2001 Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic,

Chairperson of the Agricultural Committee

1997-2001 Director of the Agroinstitute, Nitra

1997-2000 Member of the Scientific Board of the Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra

1993-1997 Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the Food and Agriculture

Organisation of the United Nations, Rome, Italy

1985-1990 Vice-Rector of the Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra

1983-1992 Associated Professor, Department of Agricultural Management,

Slovak Agricultural University, Nitra

1972-1982 Lecturer, Department of the Agricultural Management,

Slovak Agricultural University

Dr. Martina D. Henning


Dr. Henning is an internationally acknowledged specialist in the research of meat quality, genetic assessment of animal product quality and in management and preservation of animal genetic resources.

Martina D. Henning (Dr. sc. agr.) was scientific staff member at the Institute of Farm Animal Genetics in Mariensee.  Her main research fields were the assessment of the genetic potential of livestock in terms growth perfomance, adaptability and product quality. With the increasing importance of preserving endangered livestock breeds she was involved in establishing the German gene bank for Animal genetic resources. She was working in the scientific steering committee for the National Action Plan for conservation and sustainable use of Animal Genetic Resources, and was representing Germany in the European Regional Focal Point (ERFP) for Animal Genetic resources. Besides she likes to travel and explore other countries with all the impressive differences in culture and nature. She has been Member of the International Jury of Agrofilm since 2008.

Zsuzsa Sari


Zsuzsa Sari has been working at the Szeged Studio of Hungarian Television since 1986. She started as announcer and program hostess, later she made documentaries as editor/director. She realized programs for private and public radio also.

2012 - 2014  editor  of  international TV programs Quartet and Alps-Danube-Adria  at  Hungarian Television


2010. - 41st Hungarian Fim Week / Scientific Educational 

Documentary Films:  Best Scientific Educational

Documentary: A MAN OF THE WORLD – about years of  Albert Szent-Györgyi  in Szeged  

Ing. Pavol Gráčik, PhD.


Ing. Pavol Gráčik, PhD. is an outstanding specialist in the sphere of animal production – mainly husbandry and breeding of pigs.He worked in the Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra (RIAP) during the years 1974-2008. He performed the function of deputy head of the Department for Pig Breeding from 1991 to 1999, and he was deputy scientific secretary from 1999 to 2008 in RIAP Nitra.

Dr. Gráčik was the head of Department for Extension, Information and Project Management in the   Animal Production Research Centre Nitra from 2009 to 2013. He was director of the Department of Project management and Information Technologies of the National Agricultural and Food Centre. He was member of selection committee during the film festival Agrofilm (1994-2011), member of national jury (since 2000) and its chairman during the years 2001-2011. 

Lea Plántek


Lea Plántek is a communication and international relation specialist at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

By carrying out this role, she is working to improve public and media visibility of FAO and undertaking UN liaison activities.

Right after graduation, she worked for the European Parliament in Budapest, where she was involved in the organization of the LUX Film Days. Her career portfolio also includes experience with a German municipal representation in Brussels, with the Hungarian national agency for EU mobility programmes, and most recently with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.